I'd pretty much always painted;
Painted my way through art school and right on through graduate school.
Always painting, always drawing, in an effort to tell the story of those moments that make our hearts swell.
But those moments, they pass so quickly.
They crawl, they, walk, they run- in an instant.
My brush, it could never quite keep up.
One day I put down the brush, and picked up the camera.
With camera in hand, I found myself able to tell the same emotion-filled stories as I could with my paintings.
The fast moving shutter? More stories, more moments.
And now here I am trying to keep my children young with my camera.
Or at very least- capturing their amazing stories to tell them when they are grown.
And you, and your children, and their stories.
So many beautiful stories to capture and share....
I can't imagine a better way to spend my day.
© 2024 julie doran photography